(707) 437-6633
5044 Peabody Road
Fairfield, CA 94533
Email: sunrayoffice@yahoo.com
Open Monday through Friday 7 AM - 4 PM
Open Saturday 8 AM - 4 PM
Closed on Sunday.
Please call ahead if raining as hours many vary due to weather conditions.

(707) 437-6633
5044 Peabody Road
Fairfield, CA 94533
Email: sunrayoffice@yahoo.com
Open Monday through Friday 7 AM - 4 PM
Open Saturday 8 AM - 4 PM
Closed on Sunday.
Please call ahead if raining as hours many vary due to weather conditions.

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Raised Bed Blend
Raised Bed Blend is our mixture of half humus and half Topsoil. It is used for above-ground planting or building mounds that will be planted with annuals or re-rooting groundcover.
Click on the sample photos to see a larger photo.
You can also see our materials in finished landscapes
as you click the product you like!
Photographs include a quarter / golf ball to help you compare material sizes.
Since natural materials can vary in color and size,
it is always best to come see our products firsthand.
If you are wanting to match a material that you already have, please bring
a large sample so that we can help.
AllRock MixesCobbleSandBoulders and Flat RockRockBark and Wood ChipsSoilLoad More
Sun-Ray Landscape Supply
(707) 437-6633
5044 Peabody Road, Fairfield, CA 94533
Email: sunrayoffice@yahoo.com
Email: sunraylandscapesupply@yahoo.com